Łukasz Kołodziej
DevOps i Cloud Architect
12 grudnia 2024
Managing a fleet of virtual machines (VMs) across multiple Azure regions can quickly become a logistical challenge. As the person responsible for streamlining this process, I developed an Azure DevOps pipeline that automates much of the heavy lifting using Ansible. I’d like to share my experience creating this pipeline, highlight its key features, and provide insights for anyone looking to build a similar solution.
The Problem to Solve
When managing hundreds of VMs across numerous regions, I faced several recurring challenges:
- Keeping VM inventories updated dynamically.
- Consistently applying configurations and updates.
- Targeting specific hosts or regions for specialized tasks.
- Avoiding manual errors while speeding up deployment.
This was the inspiration behind automating the entire process. My goal was to create a pipeline that required minimal manual intervention while maintaining security and flexibility.
The Solution: My Azure DevOps Pipeline
I built a YAML-based Azure DevOps pipeline that integrates with Ansible to:
- Automatically update inventories of VMs based on Azure tags.
- Run Ansible playbooks dynamically across selected regions or specific hosts.
- Leverage Git for inventory version control and collaboration.
The result was a highly flexible pipeline that addressed all my pain points.
Key Features of the Pipeline
1. Parameterized Flexibility
The pipeline is fully parameterized, allowing me to choose the playbooks to execute, the regions to target, and whether to apply changes to all hosts or a single host.
Here’s a snippet of the parameters:
parameters: - name: selected_playbooks displayName: 'Select Playbooks to Run' type: string default: 'playbooks/ping.yaml' values: - 'playbooks/install_basic.yaml' - 'playbooks/update_ubuntu.yaml' # Additional playbooks... - name: selected_regions displayName: 'Select Regions to Target' type: string default: '*' values: - 'ase' - 'aue' # Other regions...
This flexibility allows me to quickly adapt the pipeline to different scenarios, such as deploying monitoring agents or running health checks.
2. Dynamic Inventory Updates
One of the most critical components is the update_inventory.sh script. It dynamically discovers VMs based on Azure tags and updates Ansible inventory files by region.
Here’s the core logic:
#!/bin/bash # Capture the start time start_time=$(date +%s) # Define the inventory directory INVENTORY_DIR="./inventories" # Define the tag key and value to filter VMs TAG_KEY="your_tag" TAG_VALUE="your_tag_value" # Temporary file to store results for found VMs TEMP_FILE=$(mktemp) # Get the list of VMs with the specified tag vms=$(az vm list --query "[?tags.$TAG_KEY=='$TAG_VALUE'].{name:name, resource_group:resourceGroup}" -o json) # Function to process each VM process_vm() { vm=$1 _jq() { echo ${vm} | base64 --decode | jq -r ${1} } vm_name=$(_jq '.name') resource_group=$(_jq '.resource_group') # Extract the region suffix from the VM name region_suffix=$(echo "$vm_name" | awk -F'-' '{print $NF}') # Define the path to the corresponding inventory.ini file inventory_file="$INVENTORY_DIR/$region_suffix/inventory.ini" # Quick check: If the VM is already in the inventory, skip further processing if grep -q "^$vm_name ansible_host=" "$inventory_file"; then echo "$vm_name already exists in $inventory_file. Skipping..." return fi # Get the private IP address for the VM private_ip=$(az vm list-ip-addresses -g "$resource_group" -n "$vm_name" --query "[].virtualMachine.network.privateIpAddresses[0]" -o tsv) # Check if the private IP was retrieved if [[ -z "$private_ip" ]]; then echo "Warning: No private IP found for VM $vm_name. Skipping..." return fi # Define the new entry for the VM new_entry="$vm_name ansible_host=$private_ip ansible_user=<user> ansible_become_pass=<password>!" # Check if the inventory file exists, create it if not if [[ ! -f "$inventory_file" ]]; then echo "[servers]" > "$inventory_file" # Initialize with the group header fi # Add the VM entry to the inventory file echo "$new_entry" >> "$inventory_file" echo "Added $vm_name to $inventory_file" # Add the VM details to the temporary file echo "$vm_name (IP: $private_ip)" >> "$TEMP_FILE" } # Iterate over the VMs and process them in parallel for vm in $(echo "${vms}" | jq -r '.[] | @base64'); do process_vm "$vm" & done # Wait for all background processes to finish wait # Capture the end time end_time=$(date +%s) # Calculate the duration in seconds duration=$((end_time - start_time)) # Convert duration to minutes and seconds minutes=$((duration / 60)) seconds=$((duration % 60)) # Display the duration of the script echo -e "\nScript execution took $minutes minutes and $seconds seconds." # Display the count and the list of found VMs found_vms_count=$(wc -l < "$TEMP_FILE") echo "Found $found_vms_count VMs with tag '$TAG_VALUE':" cat "$TEMP_FILE" rm "$TEMP_FILE" # Clean up the temporary file
The script:
- Filters VMs based on a specific tag (your_tag).
- Retrieves private IPs and dynamically generates Ansible inventory files for each region.
Tip: Make sure to enable the „Shell tasks arguments validation” option in Azure DevOps pipeline settings to avoid validation errors during script execution. This is a small but critical detail that I learned the hard way!
3. Git Integration for Inventory Management
One aspect I’m particularly proud of is how I integrated Git into the pipeline. All inventory updates are pushed to a Git repository, ensuring version control and collaboration.
steps: - bash: | git config --global user.email "$GIT_EMAIL" git config --global user.name "$GIT_USERNAME" echo "https://$GIT_USERNAME:$(System.AccessToken)@orgnization.visualstudio.com" > ~/.git-credentials git remote add origin $(GIT_REPO_URL) || echo "Remote 'origin' already exists." git fetch --all git checkout -b $(SOURCE_BRANCH) || git checkout $(SOURCE_BRANCH) git add -A :!*.pem :!update_inventory.sh git commit -m "Updated inventory on $(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" || echo "No changes to commit." git push origin $(SOURCE_BRANCH) || echo "Failed to push changes." displayName: "Push Inventory Updates to Git"
This step ensures:
- Every change to the inventory is tracked and versioned.
- Team members can easily review and collaborate on updates.
4. Running Ansible Playbooks Dynamically
With the inventories updated, the pipeline executes selected playbooks across the targeted regions or specific hosts. Here’s how I handled this:
steps: - bash: | playbooks=(${SELECTED_PLAYBOOKS//,/ }) regions=(${ALL_REGIONS//,/ }) for playbook in "${playbooks[@]}"; do for region in "${regions[@]}"; do inventory_path="inventories/$region/inventory.ini" if [ -f "$inventory_path" ]; then ansible-playbook $playbook -i $inventory_path --private-key $(ANSIBLE_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH) else echo "Inventory file for $region not found. Skipping." fi done done displayName: "Run Selected Playbooks"
This logic:
- Iterates over selected playbooks and regions.
- Dynamically adjusts the inventory path for each region.
- Gracefully handles missing inventory files.
Lessons Learned
- Dynamic Updates Save Time: Automating the inventory process eliminated hours of manual effort and ensured accuracy.
- Parameterization is Key: Building flexibility into the pipeline allowed me to reuse it across different scenarios without additional modifications.
- Git is a Lifesaver: By pushing inventory updates to Git, I ensured traceability and easy collaboration with the team.
- Attention to Pipeline Settings: Enabling „Shell tasks arguments validation” was essential to ensure my scripts ran smoothly.
Final Thoughts
Building this pipeline was a rewarding experience. It’s not just about automation—it’s about creating a robust system that scales with your needs and reduces operational overhead. For anyone managing a large-scale Azure environment, I encourage you to explore similar solutions.
If you’re tackling similar challenges or have questions about this approach, I’d love to connect and discuss! 🚀
Disclaimer: Sensitive credentials and specifics have been anonymized for security.
Full pipeline:
parameters: - name: selected_playbooks displayName: 'Select Playbooks to Run' type: string default: 'playbooks/sample-playbook.yaml' values: - 'playbooks/install_agent.yml' - 'playbooks/update_service.yml' - 'playbooks/sample-playbook.yaml' - name: selected_regions displayName: 'Select Regions to Target' type: string default: '*' values: - 'region1' - 'region2' - 'region3' - '*' - name: target_scope displayName: 'Select Target Scope' type: string default: 'all_hosts' values: - 'all_hosts' - 'single_host' - name: single_host displayName: 'Enter Single Host to Target (Required if targeting a single host)' type: string default: 'sample-host-prod-region1' variables: AZURE_CLIENT_ID: '********-****-****-****-************' AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET: '*********' AZURE_TENANT_ID: '********-****-****-****-************' AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION: 'Your Azure Subscription Name' GIT_EMAIL: 'devops@example.com' GIT_USERNAME: 'DevOps' GIT_REPO_URL: 'https://your-org.visualstudio.com/YourProject/_git/ansible-repo' SOURCE_BRANCH: 'feature-ansible-updates' ANSIBLE_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH: 'ssh/private-key.pem' ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING: 'False' SELECTED_PLAYBOOKS: "${{ parameters.selected_playbooks }}" SELECTED_REGIONS: "${{ parameters.selected_regions }}" SINGLE_HOST: "${{ parameters.single_host }}" TARGET_SCOPE: "${{ parameters.target_scope }}" ALL_REGIONS: 'region1,region2,region3' stages: - stage: CheckCommitAuthor displayName: "Check Commit Author" jobs: - job: CheckAuthor displayName: "Check Commit Author" pool: vmImage: "ubuntu-latest" steps: - checkout: self displayName: "Checkout Repository" - bash: | COMMIT_AUTHOR=$(git log -1 --pretty=format:'%an') echo "Commit Author: $COMMIT_AUTHOR" if [ "$COMMIT_AUTHOR" == "$GIT_USERNAME" ]; then echo "Commit made by DevOps, skipping pipeline." echo "##vso[task.complete result=Succeeded;]DONE" exit 0 else echo "Commit made by another user, proceeding with pipeline." fi displayName: "Check Commit Author" - stage: InventoryUpdate displayName: "Inventory Update Stage" jobs: - job: UpdateInventory displayName: "Update Inventory with New VM List" pool: ubuntu-k8s steps: - checkout: self displayName: "Checkout Repository" - bash: | sed -i -e 's|http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu|http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu|g' \ -e 's|http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu|http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu|g' /etc/apt/sources.list apt-get update -y ACCEPT_EULA=Y apt-get install -y unixodbc jq msodbcsql18 mssql-tools18 unixodbc-dev apt-get install -y python3 python3-venv python3-pip jq python3 -m venv ansible_env source ansible_env/bin/activate pip install --upgrade pip --break-system-packages pip install ansible[azure] ansible-galaxy collection install azure.azcollection displayName: "Install Dependencies and Ansible" - task: AzureCLI@2 inputs: azureSubscription: $(AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION) scriptType: bash scriptLocation: inlineScript inlineScript: | az login --service-principal -u $(AZURE_CLIENT_ID) -p $(AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET) --tenant $(AZURE_TENANT_ID) chmod +x update_inventory.sh ./update_inventory.sh workingDirectory: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) displayName: "Azure CLI Authentication" - bash: | git config --global user.email "$GIT_EMAIL" git config --global user.name "$GIT_USERNAME" echo "https://$GIT_USERNAME:$(System.AccessToken)@your-org.visualstudio.com" > ~/.git-credentials git config --global credential.helper store git remote add origin $(GIT_REPO_URL) || echo "Remote 'origin' already exists, skipping..." git fetch --all if git show-ref --verify --quiet refs/heads/$(SOURCE_BRANCH); then git checkout $(SOURCE_BRANCH) else git checkout -b $(SOURCE_BRANCH) fi git add -A :!ansible_env :!*.pem :!update_inventory.sh git commit -m "Updated inventory on $(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" || echo "No changes to commit." git push origin $(SOURCE_BRANCH) || echo "Failed to push changes." displayName: "Push Inventory Updates to Git" - bash: | echo "---------------------------------------" >> $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/outputs.md displayName: "Initialize outputs.md file" - bash: | playbooks=(${SELECTED_PLAYBOOKS//,/ }) chmod 600 $(ANSIBLE_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH) if [ "${SELECTED_REGIONS}" == "*" ]; then regions=(${ALL_REGIONS//,/ }) else regions=(${SELECTED_REGIONS//,/ }) fi for playbook in "${playbooks[@]}"; do for region in "${regions[@]}"; do inventory_path="inventories/$region/inventory.ini" if [ -f "$inventory_path" ] && [ -s "$inventory_path" ]; then if [ "$TARGET_SCOPE" == "all_hosts" ]; then echo "Running playbook $playbook for all hosts in region $region" source ansible_env/bin/activate && ansible-playbook $playbook -i $inventory_path --private-key $(ANSIBLE_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH) || true elif [ "$TARGET_SCOPE" == "single_host" ]; then if [ -n "$SINGLE_HOST" ]; then if grep -q "^$SINGLE_HOST" "$inventory_path"; then echo "Running playbook $playbook for single host $SINGLE_HOST in region $region" source ansible_env/bin/activate && ansible-playbook $playbook -i $inventory_path --limit "$SINGLE_HOST" --private-key $(ANSIBLE_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH) || true else echo "Host $SINGLE_HOST does not exist in region $region's inventory. Skipping." fi else echo "No single host specified for region $region. Skipping." fi else echo "Skipping playbook $playbook for region $region as no valid host selection is made." fi else echo "Skipping region $region as inventory file is missing or empty" fi done done displayName: "Run Selected Playbooks $(SELECTED_PLAYBOOKS) for Selected Regions $(SELECTED_REGIONS)" env: SELECTED_PLAYBOOKS: "$(SELECTED_PLAYBOOKS)" SELECTED_REGIONS: "$(SELECTED_REGIONS)" SINGLE_HOST: "$(SINGLE_HOST)" TARGET_SCOPE: "$(TARGET_SCOPE)" ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING: "$(ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING)" ANSIBLE_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH: "$(ANSIBLE_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH)" ALL_REGIONS: "$(ALL_REGIONS)" - bash: | echo "Displaying the contents of outputs.md:" ls -l $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) cat $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/outputs.md displayName: "Display outputs.md file"
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